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How heightening our E.Q. helps us master turbulence

On September 2, 2020

How heightening our E.Q. helps us master turbulence

Each time I have observed a mindset shift within myself, or noticed one in others in the workplace, I have also experienced this to be accompanied by a great deal of positive energy and personal well being. These ‘reframes’ or mindset shifts can help people overcome tired and tested relationships, or manifest into a new perspective on professional or personal challenges. During periods of turbulence, these mindset shifts are incredibly valuable for adaption and resilience.

What we are talking about here is E.Q. or Emotional Quotient, the  measure of  our Emotional Intelligence. Improving our degree of E.Q. amplifies our understanding of emotions, self-confidence, self-awareness and the ability to handle challenging emotional experiences. It  allows us to read and understand others, control our emotions, and adjust our behaviour according to the emotional states of others. This helps us understand  our peers perceptions and struggles, and build deeper, more meaningful relationships. In other words, it enables us to put our feet in their shoes, which  helps them feel understood and supported. This is also called empathy.The more empathy we feel, the more diverse our perspectives of a situation become which means we are more likely to recognise and digest the truth.

Therefore as well as underpinning our ability to successfully navigate the complex and often exasperating world of interpersonal communications, especially with people who differ from us, critically, E.Q. also intensifies our ability to not only embrace, but enjoy change. This I’m sure you would agree, is particularly pertinent right now

How is this important in times of turbulence? Research has  discovered that the primary causes of derailment in management careers involve deficits in emotional competence. The three primary ones are- difficulty in handling change, not being able to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations.

Change involves moving away from the safety of our comfort zone. Some people are more change ‘positive’ than others and are able to adapt and develop a resilience in coping with a new environment or new challenges. Some even regularly seek this, for they are hard wired that way. For both those change positive colleagues, and those who resist change, E.Q. is a powerful asset in empathizing with the drivers, fears and complicated emotions change can generate. Understanding your teams individual thinking preferences and emotional make up in turbulent times is key to successfully navigating  them through the tough terrain. The benefits? Less occupational stress, less staff turnover, improved decision making and increased team cohesion and therefore performance.
Your best tool – your heightened E.Q.
  • By Janey Francis  0 Comments   1